When Evermay was developed it was subdivided into seven sections starting in 1966 with the first section. Section 1 was the first subdivision in 1966 and was made subject to the 12 Evermay
restrictive covenants. As each additional section was added, the same identical 12
restrictive covenants were filed in each of the additional Deeds of Dedication for the additional six sections. A copy of each of the deeds of dedications containing the 12 restrictive covenants for all 7 subdivisions are attached. The deed book and page references for each of the 7 subdivision sections are as follows:
Section 3 - Deed Book 3319, pages 279-292, corrected in Deed Book 3530, pages 353-363
As shown in the attached
Evermay Map, Sections 1-6 are contiguous and are located on the south side of Route 123/Dolley Madison Blvd (the Potomac School Road side). Section 1-6 contains a total of 127 homes. Section 7 is on the north side of Route 123/Dolley Madison Blvd. and is separated from Sections 1-6. Section 7 contains 32 homes. All homes in Section 1-7 are part of the Evermay Community Association and are governed by the rules of the Evermay Community Association. In accordance with Item No. 9 in the Restrictive Covenants, the developer assigned all of its rights to the Evermay Community Association by Deeds of Assignment and Easement. The
Deed of Assignment applicable to Sections 1-6 was executed and recorded in January 1985 (Deed Book 6089, pages 1582-1584 –copy attached). The
Deed of Assignment applicable to Section 7 was executed and recorded in March 1987 (Deed Book 6673, pages 337-338).